Do you have dry skin?
There are many possible reasons for dry skin such as:
Not using Medical Grade Products, Medical Grade penetrates deeper into the layers.
Not following a daily skin care regime
Not using serums and moisturize
Not drinking enough water
Spending too much time in the cold or sun
Feeling stress
Losing sweat and oil glands, which is common with age.
Using too much soap, antiperspirant, or perfume and taking hot baths can make dry skin worse.
Here are some ways to help dry, itchy skin:
Following a skin regime day and night
Specifically serums and moisturizers
Exfoliating the skin, only if you are not dry.
Treating your skin with facials and advanced technology, such as Microdermabrasion, Ultrasonic, and also treatments such as IPL and Radiofrequency which increase collagen and elastin production, as well as revitalization and rejuvenation.
Wearing sunscreen at all times.
Just a reminder to all we have our IPL & Radiofrequency packages all on sale for the month of December, BUY TWO GET ONE FREE! ONLY $1000, such a steal!!!
Give us a call @ (705)719-1116 or book online at
